Biodiversity and Habitat Management, Net Gain and Credits Services

J N Gardening Limited has been creating and maintaining biodiverse habitats and ecosystems for over 15 years.

We have a wide range of knowledge and experience, combined with close working relationships with property developers, property management companies and ecologists, allowing us to consistently deliver sustainable and effective results across all habitat types.

Natural habitat

Biodiversity Net Gains and how we can help.

Biodiversity Net Gains (BNG) is a new initiative being introduced in January 2024 that requires all new development in England and Wales to increase biodiversity by a minimum of 10% compared to the pre-development position (Kent County Council have doubled this to 20%).

These new habitats will enhance the landscape and help combat climate change by capturing and storing carbon as well as creating a better quality natural habitat than there was before development.

Find out about Biodiversity Net Gains

Wildflower meadow

Fully Managed BNG units.

BNG permits developers to increase the biodiversity on site or if this isn't viable it can also be offset by enhancing the habitat and biodiversity of an offsite location.

There is a third option namely to purchase Biodiversity Net Gain Units from an approved provider. We work with facility management companies and property developers to create bespoke and fully managed BNG units offsite.

This is particularly popular for clients with habitats and eco systems which are niche and require expensive units to alternatively purchase due to low supply on the open market.

Young tree plantation